This oil painting by Jongman caught my eye as soon as i entered the room. From that distance, it looks incredibly dark, and it is, however as you get closer, you become aware of the yellow glow coming through the window. This natural light source highlights the almost hidden furniture lingering in the shadows. As i stand in front of it, I feel as if I am in the room itself, maybe stood in the doorway looking in. It feels damp, dusty and dirty as if it might be the acquired home of a homeless person. I think it feels damp due to the shiny oil paint looking wet. After spending a lot of time looking and exploring its aura, I get a sense of de ja vu. Have I been here before, in this room? Perhaps through a nightmare? Is it called the 'waiting room' because you're waiting for someone? who are you waiting for? Is it the material of nightmares because you are waiting endlessly for nothing? I think so. I imagine myself waking up from sleeping on one of the sofas due to the morning sunlight shining through. The fear would kick in again as I am reminded I am still here, and always will be. This journey I was questioning is partly the reason why I like it so much, it got me thinking and asking questions about why someone painted this room apart from all others. The answers you end up debating are fascinating.I hope that my work will get people to question and interact as much as this piece made me.

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